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How Time Flies 时间都去哪儿了

Qian has been a faithful man his whole life. Faithful to his wife, faithful to his job, faithful to his role in the world ... Until he falls in love with the housemaid in his late 60s. His children decide to stop this scandalous affair. It's a family comedy featuring an ordinary Chinese family's moral struggle on love and death.

Based on singer/songwriter's Wang Zhengliang's hit song "How Time Flies".

钱老师的子女一向忙于自己的生活事业,很少回家探望老人。然而最近,他们突然每天都往父母家跑。林老师成为植物人已有8年。丈夫钱老师和保姆共同照顾她,在同一屋檐下朝夕相处了8年。渐渐地,两人越来越默契,相处的样子倒看上去像这个家的男女主人了。一些蛛丝马迹让子女们警觉起来。兄妹二人一拍即合 ,自觉担负起了为母亲“抓小三”的义务——“决不能让这个狡猾的乡下女人迷惑了老爷子,骗去家里的财产、房产,还有城市户口!”



Production History

April 2015: National Theater of China, as part of 2015 China Original Drama Invitational Exhibition, dir. Li Bonan

2014-2015: National tour in China, dir. Li Bonan 全国巡演,导演李伯男

2015: Published on New Drama Journal (NO. 4 2015) 新剧本杂志 第四期

October 2014: Beijing People's Art Theater - Capital Theater, dir. Li Bonan 北京人艺 - 首都剧场,导演李伯男

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