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Telemachus 特洛马克

After work and before arriving home are the most mysterious hours in a man's life. For Odysseus' son and wife, hours became months, which then turned into twenty years. The original epic poem, the Odyssey, was a one-sided story, told by the absent father, the great hero. Telemachus focuses on the lives of women and children in a world shaped by the wars of heroes. 下班后,回家前——这是男人一生中最神秘的一段时间。奥德修的老婆孩子等他回家吃晚饭,已经等了20年。“爸爸你去哪儿了?” 小王子特洛马克今年刚满20岁,一个介于男孩和男人之间的微妙年龄。他决定出门找爸爸。却不料,整个成人世界的秘密倾泻在他面前…… 《特洛马克》从英雄儿子的角度重新讲述荷马史诗《奥特赛》。

Click HERE to read the excerpts of the script (English)

Production and Development History

  • October 2016: Nanjing University's Xianlin Black Box Theater, Nanjing, China, dir. Gerhard Dressel and Lu Xiaoping

  • June 2014: Bloodworks Reading Series, Ensemble Studio Theatre, NYC, dir. Colleen Sullivan

  • The idea for "Telemachus" partially came out of the conversations while developing the play “Odyssey: A Return to Love”, a collaboration work by Jiyoun Chang, Melissa Cooper, Eric Nightengale, Becca Poccia, Marios Theocharous, and Zhu Yi.

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